Jun 8, 2008

It's been long enough

Well I finally made it back to blog. This blog is for Andrea and Bree (who ave given me crap about not blogging)...... :) There has been so much going on in my life it is not even funny. We have been having troubles with the bank and our house loan. Well I guess the bank says enough is enough and is going to sell our house on the courthouse steps. Well need less to say we are doing everything in our power to save it. I think we are on the right track now. We will know more on Tuesday. I will let you know how it went.

I have been o busy with the kids too. Between running to ball games and summer school, I am about to go insane. I would not trade a single minute with them though. I went with Allison on her field trip to the pool in Kirksville and that was a blast to watch all the kids. I had so much fun. After we left the pool I hurried home and had to get ready for back to back games that night. Allison played first than Lane. I had to work in the cook shack that night and I was nervous about it, but Bree was there to open it and reassured me I would do fine. It was a busy night in there, we had a total of 6 games and it was hopping. I have a little more respect for the people in charge of that and the people that work in there. The baseball/softball association is great to work with. They do a wonderful job of keeping everything going.

I have also been busy with my grandpa. He had back surgery on the 27th of May. He is now in the nursing home for physical therapy, with is gong good but he does not like it in there and wants to come home. I can't say that I blame him. I have been going down to see him and taking his dog so he can see her. That dog is his life, and it seems to be cheering hm up when I take her down there.

Well I think I have catch everyone up on what is going o in my life, and it felt good to get some of it out. I will try to write on here more. I am going to add some picture on the end of this blog of the kids at the pool. I hope you enjoy looking at them. Until next time I hope everyone has a good week at work.

The biggest kid, having the most fun at the pool.

Allison and Teirney getting ready for some pool fun.

Allison in the pool.

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

I sure hope you get everything worked out. I am sure it is really stressful for you and Clifton. The picture of Andrea coming down the slide is great:) I love the look on her face!